Mini Bio.. swear I kept it short..
Made in Taiwan, Claire Hsu is a two-time award-winning trilingual actress, who has performed in Chinese, French and English both on stage and on screen. Upon graduation, she landed a part in Lynn Ramsay’s Cannes-winning "You Were Never Really Here" and shared the screen with Oscar winner Joaquin Phoenix ("Joker"). That same year she became Disney’s live-action Mulan finalist, and was flown to LA and screen tested at Disney Studios.
Claire has portrayed characters ranging from innocent (twice as victims on Emmy-winning "A Crime To Remember") to badass (as a crime boss in "Broken Badges"). She can be seen in national TV commercials, as well as on the book cover of Soundless (by NY Times bestselling author Richelle Meade). She's also frequently found amongst the Youtube and IG ads.
As for awards, Claire won Best Lead Actress for "Nanny" at First Line Festival 2017 and took home the same prize for "Locked Alone" at Northern Ireland YFIFF 2019.
She recently appears in Universal Pictures' ''Boogie'' (directed by Eddie Huang) in theaters in 2021.

Claire Hsu,本名許佳倩,土生土長台妹,是一個銀幕和舞台演員,精通中英法三語並應用於表演中。除了舞台劇,大小平面及廣告,畢業於專精銀幕表演的電影學院同年,她立刻在試鏡中獲得安妮獎得主與奧斯卡金像獎得名團隊的視覺影像家麥克霍爾的青睞, 主演他執導的《神風蝴蝶》並在美國兩次艾美獎得主電視劇《犯罪記憶》兩度飾演歷史人物; 你也能在各大書店看到她在紐約時代第一暢銷書的書封。作品包括亞馬遜工作室長片《若即若離》中,與奧斯卡得獎影帝昆菲尼克斯(《神鬼戰士》《小丑》)對戲,並獲得導演琳恩拉姆賽(《凱文怎麼了》)即高讚賞,此片在2017的坎城影展大放光芒橫掃獎項包括最佳劇本。近期作品包括於2021上映台裔名人黃頤銘執導的長片《布吉闖籃關》,好萊塢環球影片發行。
獎項:2017她以主演的短片《褓母》在紐約First Run影展獲得最佳女主角。2019以台灣導演楊詠任的長片《禁閉日記》獲得北愛爾蘭電影節獲得最佳表演獎。曾為好萊塢女星劉玉玲替身。